Halloween Descends Upon the Inkslingers

Tonight we read our group Halloween story at Wordier Than Thou’s open prose night at Studio@620 and it was a great time! It was full of witches, danger, and evil. Who could ask for more? It’s an honor to be a part of the talented, amazing people of the Inkslingers and to hear the great stories of the other brave souls that faced the mic.  Great job everyone!

Terrifying and Rewarding

Well, I did it.  I took a big step and put myself out in front of an audience and read, out loud, an excerpt from a short story I’ve written which will be published in the Ink Slingers Guild’s fall anthology.  It was super scary, but I had amazing supportive people there to help me get through it.  End of day score:  Me: 1, Fear of Public Speaking:0!