“7-7-7” Challenge – I’ve Been Tagged!

So, Erika Lance tagged me in the “7-7-7” challenge, which is to post seven lines starting at the seventh row of the seventh page of your current work in progress.

Below is an excerpt from my yet untitled work due to be out late next year, which is based on Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey.

“God. There is no God in these circumstances and that thing was certainly not of God’s creation,” she shrank back from the waves of rage that rolled off me.  Tears ran down Eleanor’s face, but I knew what I must do and she would not stop me.  We embraced and reluctantly she released me so I could walk over to the doorway that was the harbinger of my future.  

Tentatively, I tapped the space occupied by it with my finger which rippled in response to the contact.  My finger seemingly unharmed, I was emboldened and inserted my hand.  At first, there was some resistance like breaking the surface of a pool of water, but then nothingness