Alanna Rubin - Author

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New-Found Freedom





Callie was getting increasingly frustrated with her boss, whom she liked to refer to as “Dictator” and today was the last straw. “Callie, bring me those papers,” he demanded.

“You mean the ones on your desk, that you’re currently sitting at?” She asked her voice thick with annoyance.

He looked at her straight faced and replied, “Yes.”

That’s it, she thought to herself as she immediately got up from her chair. She went over and took the papers from his desk and the apple he always had to snack on in the afternoon. He looked at her confused, but then his face flushed red as Callie proceeded to shred the documents and take a bite of the crisp apple then threw it in his garbage can. Silently she rejoiced as she exited the building and roamed the streets with her new-found freedom.